There is a certain beauty to silence.
There is a time and place for silence.
There is a need for silence.....
Some people don't understand that.. period... they just don't.
Can you name the voice of a person, that just the very sound of that voice makes every hair on your neck stand straight up and make you want to KILL THEM???? I can name about 4 or 5 of those voices right NOW!!! Oh my God... It is crazy....
That makes me think... about the people that you work with.. There are some that don't bother you at all.. you are in rhythm with them, you sense when they need quiet, or even better you, sense when they need to talk and just don't say it. You workplace is like a family.. There are people that you definitely could NOT do without (PARtricia) and there are people that you just quite click with and wish they would move!!! haha!!! But it takes ALL of you to get through the work day (or night!!)...
But that does not change the fact that I could really hurt some of them, tonight. I guess it makes getting off of work all the better! My hotel room (in which I do NOT have to pay for air conditioning in, therefore will run it on HIGH COOL on level 10!!), the unusually nice sheets and wonderful pillows (for a Comfort Inn).. and watching Lifetime reruns of the Nanny and falling asleep before the 1st Golden Girls episode goes off (with my 50mg of Benadryl on board!!)... Then waking up to Standing Still or Reba on Lifetime.. yeah. Pretty boring, but how perfect it is for me!!!!
So. I will go. I am not going to hurt anyone. Luckily, I have a friend here and we keep each other in check RIIIGHT before we lunge towards anyone!! Plus, I need the check....