The job stuff in NOLA Monday went GREAT!! I really like everything about it so far. The people are SUPER nice, the facility was great, I passed my drug test (haha!!) and everything went well! Jay even feels better about it, also. They have all been worried about the "area" I would be in.., My thoughts are "Hell... it cannot be any worse than waking up in a standoff in a comfort inn in Jackson!!" Right?? Exactly. But they have all talked to "somebody" or "somebody who knows somebody" that knows about the area i will be in and they have all reassured my loved ones that I will be fine.. Thank you Jesus.... otherwise, I would still be without a job (or without a boyfriend/mom/dad/etc.....). I guess the standoff made them doubt my judgement of "safe"!!
I have tried to take this week as a mini-vacay...but, somehow my time has been filled with stuff to do. Just last night I got on hands and feet and cleaned my kitchen floor.. it sparkles now... I am preparing for a rummage sale on Oct 4th! I think we will be participating in the Ellisville "City Wide" Rummage Sale in downtown...come see us!! We will have all kinds of shit that we don't want anymore that you don't need! But come buy it anyway!!!!
I guess that is about all.. EXCEPT.... Tonight is GREYS ANATOMY Season Premiere night!! Two WHOLE hours of NEW GREYS!!! YAY!!! The only thing missing will the the "crew"... Sister was coming home, but decided to stay in Oxford for the presidential debate...God, I hope the KKK nor the Black Panthers get her..... haha!! But, now that whether or not they are going to have it is up in the air it has completely thrown her off... Too funny! She will be home next weekend for homecoming tho!
Well...we play Northeast Jones tomorrow night.. again, we are "predicted" to lose.. whatever.....
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