Monday, October 20, 2008

Braves and Mares......

We, at South Jones, really, REALLY dislike West Jones...  It has been that way for as long as I can remember.   When I was in school the West Jones people were just farm folk, county folk...  Then the Laurel City schools were  taken over by minorities, the upper-class, wealthier city folk decided to move out to the county.. bringing more money and such to the farm school......which just made them SO much better than everyone else..   

We played West Friday night.  They picked us for their homecoming game... that was rude.  They are rude...  They beat us.. not because their team is better than ours.. they are not.. we were out-coached.  bottom line.   I say let's Friday Night Lights the next 2 games and coach ourselves....  See how that works.  Who knows?

Yes, I am mad that West beat us.. Yes, I am mad that they picked us for homecoming.  Yes, I hope we rip them a new asshole in baseball...  Oh - our band KILLED their band....KILLED THEM!!!

So...  the old gray mare keeps on trotting....  and after this year, I probably won't care what happens between the Brave and the Mare.....  But this year, it mattered.. Kids that I care deeply about were crushed with this loss, because they knew that they were better than them.  That REALLY makes me mad...  I don't like "my" kids feeling that way....  So.. on to baseball!!!  GO BRAVES!!!

1 comment:

KK said...

Let it go. Please dear lord, let it go.............