Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Eve and I am recovering....

Yeah, most people recover on New Years Day...Not me. I developed the flu/sinus infection/dystemper/CRUD on Tuesday (the day after Christmas). I did not leave my couch until Thursday afternoon. I moved around a little THINKING I felt up Friday morning showered, washed my hair...ready to go eat Mexican with My J, Kris and the red head. Half way through lunch I realized that I had prematurely gotten off of my couch. It hit all over again. I brought myself straight home and stayed on the couch until today. I cannot be on the couch any longer. My J caught it, sufferred through it with the help of some whiskey, honey and peppermint! It was rough! Now I feel better but unable to sleep due to the unproductive HACKING cough that I have ALL NIGHT LONG! But tomorrow is a new day....and a NEW YEAR. Thank God!

1 comment:

KK said...

Yea - happy freakin' new year.

Let's make this one a great one.