Saturday, August 30, 2008
Pep Rally......
He is not short.. but the guy behind him is REALLY tall!!! ha!
Well.. I attended the pep rally Friday. The first one that I have been to in a LONG time.. (well, just randomly been to.. the last one was when Kim was Miss South Jones.. and I was too busy taking pics to enjoy/be aware of pep rally...)!! So..
Here I am at the first pep rally of Ty's Senior year.. in a gym that seems so much HOTTER than when i was there, surrounded by people that I went to school with (except they are teachers now...)! haha!! Wow!! It was all different..but still so much the same. The excitement of the straight faced players at the gym door waiting for the cheerleaders to bring them in, the students cheering (not really for the team as much as for being out of class..), the band playing all the familiar songs, the cheerleaders doing the same dances.. It really took me back fifteen years. Yeah, fifteen. Wow.. that sounds like so long ago, but it was literally just yesterday, in that gym.
I have always told kim and ty to enjoy EVERY moment of high school, it is never this easy again. Just being there took me back to those easy times and I miss them. I would go back. I would not change anything. I don't think many people could say that. Most would say that would change this or that. Not me. I was and am very content with my high school years, especially Senior year. It was so much fun and carefree. I felt so good about myself that year. I haven't felt that way since. Maybe that is what I miss so much. Feeling on top of my game, with everything and everyone (even though I lost the class president race....i bet people really regret that shit now...ha!).
So, the question I pitch out at the world is this: How do you get some of it back? Not the stuff.. the feeling? How can I feel like that again???
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Katrina's love child........Gustav....

Ok.. I apologize for my ramblings and psychoses.... Forgive me..
God Bless the Hispanic people and BRING BACK MICASITAS!!!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Goooooooo BRAVES!!!!!!
#1... I don't like Tyler playing especially after he was carried off the field in an ambulance 2 years ago with a possible head injury
#2... I don't UNDERSTAND the game... at all...
#3... The weather in South Mississippi does not lend itself to allowing me to drink hot chocolate under a blanket at a game.. (but baseball season backwards is that?????)
But, it is here and I will be there. Confused. Worried.. Hopeful... Grateful...
Watching him last night after the game.. (it was just a 2 quarter preview of the team and they played Poplarville)... he was SO excited and happy to just be on the field. To have on that jersey. To be with his friends.. And that is the most important thing to me. Because that means that he is making memories! Wherever the future may lead him in sports (or not lead him) he will have some REALLY incredible memories with some pretty great friends! That is what it is all about, because you cannot go back and pick up memories from high school. You take what you get. Nothing more, nothing less. Just hold on to them.. That is why I try to take so many pictures.. Something to help trigger your memort 10 - 15 - 20 years from now... I know me and my camera may aggravate you... but just bear with me! I do it because I love you!!!
Full of Guilt................
Well, baby sister is off and gone to Ole Miss.. She left on Tuesday and so far all I hear is that she LOVES it but she is bored!! Which is just about par for the course! The boredom will pass as soon as school starts I am sure! There will be NO time to be bored then! haha!
I sit back and observe the family river (bro j refers life to a river with currents that pull us in different directions and stuff.. so I am borrowing that term from him!). So, as I observe the current that the family is now in, I reflect back on when I moved to Ole friends moved me, into the DORMS as a Junior, to the dorms....the family came to visit for a few ball games... that was about it. I think they paid my cell phone bill and sent me a little $, but I had a daily job at the Kids College after school day care program. Now, back to 2008.... how things have changed. You get a big nice apartment, new furniture and stuff, all kinds of new stuff and a nice weekly stipend. Yes.... I am degrading myself down to jealous sibling. Which I guess I have always been. She is a money pit... and it was constantly thrown into my face that they were paying for my "wasted" college loan money... which I pay now. So, those years of $100/month they paid make up for all they have put out on her... I DO understand that they are at a better financial place now than they were then. I DO want her to be more successful than I was at Ole Miss, and she will be. Maybe it is my fault. Maybe I should have needed more or wanted more. I want a bicycle too...........
But, after having said all of this... I want her to do very well and not have to want or need for anything. Hell, I have helped create this Money Monster... So, I guess I cannot say anything... She is a great kid! Just a little oblivious as to where money comes from and how fast it goes away............
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Fabulous Fall Five
So, I am thinking.... this weekend.. Fairly uneventful..WHICH WAS GOOD after my week.... It was busy tho...
This is THE weekend before baby sister moves to Big College (aka Ole Miss)... So... It was alot about her.. for good reason. Although alot of things seem to be about her, contrary to what she thinks!
Friday... after much debate and discussion we went to MiCasita's to eat, we being: mom, dad, tyler, morgan, me, kim and lisa. Kim, BLESS HER HEART, has tried for months..if not a year to get mom and dad to go and try sushi. They don't even have to eat sushi...get some shrimp tempura??? But Oh Hell NO....we can't do anything new or different! So. Mexican it was.
Saturday... Kim and I went to the Burg and ate our sushi with Krissy and Madison. The child needs to be beat more. She is a VERY sweet little girl. But, she is sassy and back talks her mother... Granted, she is 5. I still think she should be beat more. I am really hoping that her starting Kindergarten at Oak Grove will help her and provide her with some MUCH needed structure. So, after Sushi... we went to Serenity Day Spa, where I used part of my anniversary gift to get my feet done up!! While there, ran into several people I know, which was weird. Even met someone that I have heard SO much about but have never met, Mrs Paige (with wings attached! ;-) Then came home and finished up my "special gift" for Kim. It is AWESOME!! She will LOVE it!!! I know this because she treasures hand made gifts, especially when they include pics of herself and others she loves!!
Sunday... The Fabulous Fall Five loaded up the Lincoln and drove to the Red Stick. Yep, we ventured to go visit Uncle Joe. They took him off of the ventilator and he was breathing on his own. So, we get there... visit with him briefly, he could talk in segments and was visibly exhausted. Then we visited with long lost Uncle David, Kathy and Jared, brief again, because they left soon after the 1pm ICU visit. Then some of my FAVORITE Fall-sided family members went to eat! I don't see enough of them. They are really great and it is so funny to look at Michelle and see that we are alot alike! She is awesome and to hear Tyler say, "Yeah.. she is cool.. I can see her being the cool big sister..." makes my heart smile! We should definitely visit more often!
Uncle Joe and Aunt Donna are so much more to our family than they probably realize. Well, at least to dad. Other than Granny, they were his parent figures. Not too shabby ones either! I remember when Granny died. Aunt Donna came up to be a support for dad. She said, "That lady was like a mother to your daddy and I am going to be right here when he needs me.". How awesome is that! How sad is it that I only have a few of those sweet moments as memories? But, life is short. Especially on the Fall side. I am glad that dad tries to take care of himself, he stays busy/active, he takes his blood pressure meds, he keeps his kidneys flushed (haha) and he doesn't smoke! So, maybe he will beat the odds. I worry about the others.....
Well.. it is Sunday night and it has been a busy weekend... But I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in the back seat today with my baby bro in between me and sister. I think mom and dad should be really proud and happy that we are as cool as we are! They did pretty good.. I am proud of them, anyway!!!
So, my Jay will be home tomorrow and I am hoping for Sushi tomorrow night for Kim's "last supper"..... when I give the special gift to her!!!
This is THE weekend before baby sister moves to Big College (aka Ole Miss)... So... It was alot about her.. for good reason. Although alot of things seem to be about her, contrary to what she thinks!
Friday... after much debate and discussion we went to MiCasita's to eat, we being: mom, dad, tyler, morgan, me, kim and lisa. Kim, BLESS HER HEART, has tried for months..if not a year to get mom and dad to go and try sushi. They don't even have to eat sushi...get some shrimp tempura??? But Oh Hell NO....we can't do anything new or different! So. Mexican it was.
Saturday... Kim and I went to the Burg and ate our sushi with Krissy and Madison. The child needs to be beat more. She is a VERY sweet little girl. But, she is sassy and back talks her mother... Granted, she is 5. I still think she should be beat more. I am really hoping that her starting Kindergarten at Oak Grove will help her and provide her with some MUCH needed structure. So, after Sushi... we went to Serenity Day Spa, where I used part of my anniversary gift to get my feet done up!! While there, ran into several people I know, which was weird. Even met someone that I have heard SO much about but have never met, Mrs Paige (with wings attached! ;-) Then came home and finished up my "special gift" for Kim. It is AWESOME!! She will LOVE it!!! I know this because she treasures hand made gifts, especially when they include pics of herself and others she loves!!
Sunday... The Fabulous Fall Five loaded up the Lincoln and drove to the Red Stick. Yep, we ventured to go visit Uncle Joe. They took him off of the ventilator and he was breathing on his own. So, we get there... visit with him briefly, he could talk in segments and was visibly exhausted. Then we visited with long lost Uncle David, Kathy and Jared, brief again, because they left soon after the 1pm ICU visit. Then some of my FAVORITE Fall-sided family members went to eat! I don't see enough of them. They are really great and it is so funny to look at Michelle and see that we are alot alike! She is awesome and to hear Tyler say, "Yeah.. she is cool.. I can see her being the cool big sister..." makes my heart smile! We should definitely visit more often!
Uncle Joe and Aunt Donna are so much more to our family than they probably realize. Well, at least to dad. Other than Granny, they were his parent figures. Not too shabby ones either! I remember when Granny died. Aunt Donna came up to be a support for dad. She said, "That lady was like a mother to your daddy and I am going to be right here when he needs me.". How awesome is that! How sad is it that I only have a few of those sweet moments as memories? But, life is short. Especially on the Fall side. I am glad that dad tries to take care of himself, he stays busy/active, he takes his blood pressure meds, he keeps his kidneys flushed (haha) and he doesn't smoke! So, maybe he will beat the odds. I worry about the others.....
Well.. it is Sunday night and it has been a busy weekend... But I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in the back seat today with my baby bro in between me and sister. I think mom and dad should be really proud and happy that we are as cool as we are! They did pretty good.. I am proud of them, anyway!!!
So, my Jay will be home tomorrow and I am hoping for Sushi tomorrow night for Kim's "last supper"..... when I give the special gift to her!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
So long to the Comfort Inn.....

So, some of "Patricia's People" (aka known as African Americans, but here at the hospital we refer to them as "her people" or "my people" in a very humorous way!)....anyway - some of "her people" decided to rob the nearby IHOP (that I used to eat at), come to MY hotel, get a room and hide out. WTF??? So.. the story goes...
I got off of work this morning, went to the room, took my 75mg of Benadryl (I am off of the ambien), got a shower and was asleep by 745. I wake up at 330'ish with something sounding like someone slamming a room door or breaking a room door down...(it was the latter). All happening next door to me. Then I hear people running (easily could be kids running around)... So, no worries, I get up go pee and get back in bed. Then I check my phone to see what time it is and Ms. Pat has called me and left a voicemail. She KNOWS that I sleep until 5pm.. so, I think "something could be wrong....". I check my voicemail and it is her saying, "Kristy, sweetie... this is Ms. Pat.. you need to get up, your hotel is on the news and it is surrounded by cops and stuff.. Something is going on, get up and let me know you are ok...!" Holy Shit.... So I call her and she proceeds to tell me that my hotel is on live T.V. in a standoff... I call the front desk and ask, "This is Kristy in 202. Am I ok??".. the reply.."well...hmmmm.....yeah...." Not very reassuring. So, I try to call Jay to talk to him and figure out what i should do.. no answer.. So I call mom.. I really did not want to call her because she would worry.. but, I needed someone to talk to. So, while on the phone with her I look outside.... there are officers in black bullet proof vests that say, SWAT, SHERIFFS DEPT and JPD... there are 4 news crews LIVE, at least 2 ambulances....and me.. standing there looking out the window in my panties and t-shirt. If ever there was a time to "put some clothes and my shoes on" it was now... (my dad always made us do that in bad weather and I still do it!!!).. Never Have I EVER!! so, I sit there on my bed....on the phone with my mom.... and wait...
I go look out the window again..... it looks as though they are clearing out.. so I call the front desk and she tells me that they got the one guy and the other got away... GREAT!! So.. I get my ass up, get dressed and promptly check out of the hotel with no plans to return! EVER! That was enough of South Ghetto for me.
I have been here for almost a year (sept 10) and have not once felt uneasy.. But, today.. It did me in. I am going to Cheryl's today.. Don't know about after that. My contract ends sept 20. So, not too many more nights to work. But, I will definitely will not be returning to the most comfortable Comfort Inn on Greenway Drive.
So long Ms. Kathy and Jeff. It was nice doing business with you!!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fish Phelps, anyone???
So.... I went to Mtn TOP closing this past weekend with my sister... Closing is really more of a family thing, meaning, it is for the families of the staffers to come and learn a little bit about what their kids have done this summer.. Saturday is a day for the staffers to take their families out into the county to visit families they have worked with, sightseeing, shopping and that sort of thing. I went there knowing that one of the staff members from our week on the mountain did not have any family coming. So, of course Kim and I being Kim and I, adopted him. Which was good for us, it gave us someone to hang out with all day Saturday. Thomas is our adopted brothers name... He had chatted with us on facebook and told us how EXCITED he was that we were coming up and how he had plans for our Saturday... we would go "caving, swimming in a water fall, visit some families....".. I was like "Yeah...sounds good........."........
I don't know if you know anything about caving or not.. but, honestly.. I did not. I think I was expecting to walk into this big, dark hole in the side of a mountain on level ground, look around at some cool rock formations and stuff... If that is what you thought also...WRONG!!! WRONG!!! WRONG!!! Let me tell you... 1. It is DARK. And the little light on your forehead only shines where your head points...which for me was straight DOWN. 2. You are ROCK CLIMBING on the ground...NO SHIT... every step you take you have to think about and balance on...with your little dimly lit light....oh and if you actually step WELL and the rock does not weeble and wobble with have to make sure your foot doesn't SLIDE down the rock... 3. You are sliding down boulders...without knowing how you are going to get your FAT, OUT OF SHAPE, OLD ASS back up the boulder.... 4. Then there is always the worry about whether or not you are going to be the group that wanders up on some serial killer trying to hide a body or something... but I was going to do it because I am not going to be "that girl"... that wuss.... that old fogey.. that fat girl that couldn't make it..... HELL or high water, I was doing it!
Summing that up... I "caved" into a cave 1.5 miles, to a water fall (that you could NOT see because it is DARK) then back out 1.5 miles.... And survived... Yes, I feel accomplished. Yes, I feel like a freight train ran over me. Yes, I thought I was going to have a heart attack climbing back up to the car.!! haha!!
But, after all of that... I am so glad that I went. It added one more "first" to the list of firsts that I have been able to do with my sister! Which is awesome! She has decided to staff at Mountain TOP next summer.. I am so proud of her for that decision.. I hope she holds to it. I have been asked to consider being a member of the Board of Directors for Mtn TOP, which would be cool. Especially since I am undecided how much longer, if at all, I am going back as a camper. I LOVE the ministry that mountain top is. I love that part of the country. I love the people that are involved in it. I am just not sure where being on the board will fit into my life for the next two years. I will think and pray about it!
So.... back to the grind. My next big adventure is to find a new job... I am pretty sure I will not be staying in Jackson past Sept 20. I would LOVE to go to NOLA for an assignment. We will see. I am talking to about 10 different agencies that are "looking" for me a job that fits my location and pay requirements!! We will see!!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Hot Dog, Buns & T

My baby brother starts his very first day of his very last day in high school...I am flooded with thoughts thinking about it.. I think about my first day of senior year............what kind of shit Kris and I had gotten into the night before...because if I am not mistaken we were living in my parents front yard in a camper...haha!! We had air and electricity, but it was our first stint of FREEDOM! From what I can remember, we had to leave our humble abode because the plain little outdoor wall socket couldn't carry the campers voltage and there could have been some smoke involved.. haahahahaha!
I think about Kim's first day of Senior year... they all met at Shoney's or Waffle house for breakfast... They have always been a close clan....How excited she was and how she was ruling the school!!
Now, baby brother... He is so different... He rules the school just with a silent toughness... Everyone likes him, but he is not looking for popularity, he is what he is.... I love that about him. He does not have to study, look over it the night before and keep on going... (he got that from me!). He has NO idea what he wants to do with his life other than play baseball. For right now, that is fine.
This is going to be a LIFE CHANGING year for the Fall family.
The sweet, precious, expensive, generous, kind, peace-making Chef is moving from home. That is going to be traumatic.. especially for dad. She is his favorite. It is so obvious. I have to say that it does hurt to know that he is capable of having a "daddy's little girl" and I didn't get it. He was too young then, not his fault.
The baby boy, golden child, T-Daddy... is starting the beginning to his departure. I cannot imagine the tears I will shed over the next year. I am only so blessed that I can be here for it!
I am SO proud of both of them. That is where the tears come from. I don't cry because they are "leaving" or "moving on". I am just so damn proud of them. They are awesome kids! I not only get to be the big sister to them, but in the past 3 years... I have been so lucky as to call them some of my BEST friends. How lucky can you be???
With all this being said...... all of this places me in a spot in life that I kinda knew would come, but just never thought it really would????? I have always said, to everyone, that I would start "my" life once the kids graduated high school... SHIT!!! Here it is.... WOW! So much of everything I have done for the past 10 years has revolved around the kids and wanting to be around for all of the important things. I have essentially put my life on hold to be a large part of theirs. Regret it? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Feel incredibly lucky that I have had a guy for 7 years who has supported it?? YES!!!! Jay has put his things on hold so that I could be here for the kids. Now, he says that, "even if we broke up today, I would stay to see Tyler graduated!!". He understands how much I Love them and how much they mean to me. Gives me butterflies!
And he is such a big part of their lives as well. I don't know how many times Kim or Tyler have gone to him for advice or questions... He and Tyler have hung out alot this summer (summer lovin'....hahaha)... And kim is his favorite because she feels that she is no one's favorite... Bless Her!!!
So... summing all of this up.......
I am ONE BLESSED GIRL full of and surrounded by LOVE!!!
Oh - the title of this blog: All nicknames my dad gave us as kids.. funny that we make a picnic huh??? I was Hot Dog, Kim is Buns and Tyler is "T"!!!
Monday, August 04, 2008
So.. This weekend.. I was off. For whatever reason I was just sickly all weekend... I feel better today, but majority of the weekend was spent on one of 3 of the couches. It was that weird in and out of sleep kind of thing.. I don't know.. I had some of my horrible sneezing fits that just turned into BLAH!!!
But I am up and feeling a little bit better now. Hopefully in time to go back to work tomorrow!! YaY!!! I hate being sickly like that.. Not sick enough to just sleep all the time, just sick enough to feel bad enough to not want to do anything. It took all I had to just get Prince Poopy Pants outside...
But, I am here and going to make it! The weekend was productive for most of the Falls I think.. Mom, Ty & Kim got everything to Oxford and placed in Kim's apartment... Dad went deep sea fishing....
so.. we will see what this week holds!
But I am up and feeling a little bit better now. Hopefully in time to go back to work tomorrow!! YaY!!! I hate being sickly like that.. Not sick enough to just sleep all the time, just sick enough to feel bad enough to not want to do anything. It took all I had to just get Prince Poopy Pants outside...
But, I am here and going to make it! The weekend was productive for most of the Falls I think.. Mom, Ty & Kim got everything to Oxford and placed in Kim's apartment... Dad went deep sea fishing....
so.. we will see what this week holds!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Prince Poopy Pants
But.... I LOVE THIS DOG.... (and his dad!!)
His name is Harvey. Jay was on his way home from Baton Rouge one Saturday and stopped at PetSmart to pick up cat litter and the Southern Pine Animal Shelter had animals there for adoption.. well, Jay knew that I would probably KILL him if he came home with a dog (and he had wanted a dog for over 5 years at that time), he came home... He started talking about "this" puppy that was there that looked so pitiful and was just lying there, not all excited or acting all crazy.. just lying there, sleeping. And his words to me were, "That was my dog.". So, we called PetSmart, told them to hold that dog and we were on our way..
Fortunately, that dog still likes to just lie there and sleep! With our crazy work schedules that fits in just perfect with us! And he IS Jay's dog..He is the perfect dog for us.. And we have had him since April 2007! He gets to go to the spa every week (just for a bath and mani/pedi). He is SO very smart (when he so chooses). And he LOVES his Mama! And his Mama LOVES him! My heart aches to think about life without him, so I try to pretend that day will never come.
I have always been a cat fan, still am. But, I LOVE our dog... He makes my heart smile!
but... the title of this blog is Prince Poopy Pants... Harvey has recently started to potty (#1 and #2) on the kitchen floor.. even when he has just gone out... I realize that this is probably him acting out and I would love to consult the Dog Whisperer about it.. But, that is not going to happen in the near future.. Any advice???
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