So.... I went to Mtn TOP closing this past weekend with my sister... Closing is really more of a family thing, meaning, it is for the families of the staffers to come and learn a little bit about what their kids have done this summer.. Saturday is a day for the staffers to take their families out into the county to visit families they have worked with, sightseeing, shopping and that sort of thing. I went there knowing that one of the staff members from our week on the mountain did not have any family coming. So, of course Kim and I being Kim and I, adopted him. Which was good for us, it gave us someone to hang out with all day Saturday. Thomas is our adopted brothers name... He had chatted with us on facebook and told us how EXCITED he was that we were coming up and how he had plans for our Saturday... we would go "caving, swimming in a water fall, visit some families....".. I was like "Yeah...sounds good........."........
I don't know if you know anything about caving or not.. but, honestly.. I did not. I think I was expecting to walk into this big, dark hole in the side of a mountain on level ground, look around at some cool rock formations and stuff... If that is what you thought also...WRONG!!! WRONG!!! WRONG!!! Let me tell you... 1. It is DARK. And the little light on your forehead only shines where your head points...which for me was straight DOWN. 2. You are ROCK CLIMBING on the ground...NO SHIT... every step you take you have to think about and balance on...with your little dimly lit light....oh and if you actually step WELL and the rock does not weeble and wobble with have to make sure your foot doesn't SLIDE down the rock... 3. You are sliding down boulders...without knowing how you are going to get your FAT, OUT OF SHAPE, OLD ASS back up the boulder.... 4. Then there is always the worry about whether or not you are going to be the group that wanders up on some serial killer trying to hide a body or something... but I was going to do it because I am not going to be "that girl"... that wuss.... that old fogey.. that fat girl that couldn't make it..... HELL or high water, I was doing it!
Summing that up... I "caved" into a cave 1.5 miles, to a water fall (that you could NOT see because it is DARK) then back out 1.5 miles.... And survived... Yes, I feel accomplished. Yes, I feel like a freight train ran over me. Yes, I thought I was going to have a heart attack climbing back up to the car.!! haha!!
But, after all of that... I am so glad that I went. It added one more "first" to the list of firsts that I have been able to do with my sister! Which is awesome! She has decided to staff at Mountain TOP next summer.. I am so proud of her for that decision.. I hope she holds to it. I have been asked to consider being a member of the Board of Directors for Mtn TOP, which would be cool. Especially since I am undecided how much longer, if at all, I am going back as a camper. I LOVE the ministry that mountain top is. I love that part of the country. I love the people that are involved in it. I am just not sure where being on the board will fit into my life for the next two years. I will think and pray about it!
So.... back to the grind. My next big adventure is to find a new job... I am pretty sure I will not be staying in Jackson past Sept 20. I would LOVE to go to NOLA for an assignment. We will see. I am talking to about 10 different agencies that are "looking" for me a job that fits my location and pay requirements!! We will see!!
1 comment:
Oh I would have loved to see your ass going down into a hole with all those bugs crawling in the dark.
It was probably best that you didn't see what was around you!
But I'm very proud of you for doing it. And I'm very glad you survived!
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