Well, baby sister is off and gone to Ole Miss.. She left on Tuesday and so far all I hear is that she LOVES it but she is bored!! Which is just about par for the course! The boredom will pass as soon as school starts I am sure! There will be NO time to be bored then! haha!
I sit back and observe the family river (bro j refers life to a river with currents that pull us in different directions and stuff.. so I am borrowing that term from him!). So, as I observe the current that the family is now in, I reflect back on when I moved to Ole Miss...my friends moved me, into the DORMS as a Junior, to the dorms....the family came to visit for a few ball games... that was about it. I think they paid my cell phone bill and sent me a little $, but I had a daily job at the Kids College after school day care program. Now, back to 2008.... how things have changed. You get a big nice apartment, new furniture and stuff, all kinds of new stuff and a nice weekly stipend. Yes.... I am degrading myself down to jealous sibling. Which I guess I have always been. She is a money pit... and it was constantly thrown into my face that they were paying for my "wasted" college loan money... which I pay now. So, those years of $100/month they paid make up for all they have put out on her... I DO understand that they are at a better financial place now than they were then. I DO want her to be more successful than I was at Ole Miss, and she will be. Maybe it is my fault. Maybe I should have needed more or wanted more. I want a bicycle too...........
But, after having said all of this... I want her to do very well and not have to want or need for anything. Hell, I have helped create this Money Monster... So, I guess I cannot say anything... She is a great kid! Just a little oblivious as to where money comes from and how fast it goes away............
1 comment:
Oh yea, I knew this was coming!!! And it's OK to feel like that - but times do change and change for the better usually.
You didn't belong at Ole Miss. I believe I told you that when you went!
And Kimme does belong there and she'll do fine.
But I can also tell you that your folks don't yet realize just HOW EXPENSIVE it will be.
And we'll see that bridge when it's time to cross it!
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