Tuesday, June 01, 2010

End of the Fiscal Year

So... the end of my "fiscal" year has come (a year since Jay and I split).. I say this because when I called him in January to tell him that my mother had packed her shit and just left and that I thought 2009 was my SHIT YEAR, his words to me were, "No babe... you have a whole fiscal year...so it won't be until the end of May when your "year" is over...". This was INCREDIBLE news... I was ecstatic.

So yeah, she packed her shit and left... it was all dear john and all. No letter or anything to us kids.. She thought we would "understand"... I am still not "understanding".. Then after seven weeks of self-discovery and reflection she decided that she wanted to come home because she missed her family.. Ok.. whatever.

It has been hard...

Tyler has finished his freshman year at Jones.. just now beginning to pitch again.. but did get a scholarship again for next year!

Kim has returned to the mountain for the summer.. If I could go there for the entire summer and still pay my bills, I would be ALL OVER IT!!!! I am not taking it very well that we are not going this summer.. I will miss it so much. Going to visit her is not the same as going as a camper.

I am now working back in Jackson, CMMC. A whole lot of things contributed to my making this decision.. time will tell if it was the best decision. I miss my peeps in new orleans, for sure.

On a different note... over last summer I lost about 35lbs.. yep, felt great, thought I looked better, did I say I felt great??? But since January and all the shit I have gone thru I have managed to FIND it all... I eat when depressed.. plain and simple.. but, I am trying to find a silver lining and a different place for myself. It's not easy....

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